A full-text search won't work. Too many records -- at least 8 million. From 
what I've read, full-text won't pick up the individual initials or very short 
names, like Vu, Lee, Doe, etc.

Jigal van Hemert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> Example a (GivenNames): Mary 
Elizabeth or Marg Elizabeth
> Example b (GivenNames): J. W. or I. W.
> Example c (Surname): Stotts, Statts or Stutts
> I need to be able to retrieve the following based upon the examples:
> For Example a:
> Return Mary Elizabeth where GivenNames begins with M;
> Return Marg Elizabeth where GivenNames begins with M;
> Return Mary Elizabeth where GivenNames contains the whole word Mary;
> Return Marg Elizabeth where GivenNames contains the whole word Marg;
> Return Mary Elizabeth where GivenNames=Mary Elizabeth
> Return Marg Elizabeth where GivenNames=Marg Elizabeth

I'm beginning to think that a form of FULL TEXT search is what you need;
take a look at these articles:
and even query expansion might be usefull in your case (though it might be a
bit slow):

Regards, Jigal.

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