I was running a table in InnoDB, and the table had about 6 indexes, none
of which seemed to be affected when I ran mysqlbinlog against the tables
in order to apply bin-logs from production against a test system.  I was
manage to process upwards of 2300 queries per second by throwing about
1.8 GB of memory into the innodb_buffer_pool.

Now that I am dealing with MyIsam tables, I shifted my memory towards
the key_buffer, and am considering using bulk_insert_buffer_size.  I am
not sure what is a good value for the bulk_insert_buffer_size.  I have
also removed all indexes that are not needed from the table while it is
being loaded with data.

My question, is there anything else that I can do to increase the speed
of the inserts into this MyIsam table as the bin_logs are played back on
the system?  This is also used to help gauge performance, so this method
of inserting data is important to the process as a whole.



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