Chris Knipe wrote:
Sure, there is a syntax error in the query - yes. But why does the master not put the complete query in the bin log????????? This is the second time in 3 days that it has happened now. Whilst we are on this, how do I tell the slave to skip the query and proceed with the rest of the binlog... Thanks to this now, we already have a MASSIVE backlog that needs to be processed.

I do not know if it is a best solution but that's shure that it's an easiest. Just add

slave-skip-errors = all

to the config... or just with errors that you want to skip, refer to the manual for an extensive description.

Ok, that's fair enough, and it seems to be working again for now.

But just how realiable is MySQL's replication to begin with? Skipping the errors does not resolve my problem. Skiping the errors mearly means that my slave server will not have a accurate representation of the data on the master. Surely, there must be a reason why the Master server is not logging queries properly into the binary log??? Either it's not being logged right, or the Slave is not reading it correctly. If it was different versions of MySQL, I could have perhaps let this fly with a incompatibility of sorts, but they are exactly the same versions??????

And this is not the first time it's happening either... It really makes me doubt whether MySQL is the right approach to take to this whole replication vs data redundancy scenario.


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