I posted a few days ago, but didn't get any responses.  I'm hopeful someone
has seen this, and can offer advice.


We recently converted some tables from MyISAM to InnoDB because the need had
arisen for transactional support.


Things have been fine until recently, when the .frm files for these tables
mysteriously disappeared from the mysql data directory (even though the
underlying data for the tables was still intact in the separate InnoDB data


We replaced the .frm files from our prod database (we have identical dev and
prod) - and all was well again - but I am curious as to how these files
could disappear?  I would think if someone had errantly dropped the tables,
the data would be gone also.


Any advice or guidance would be greatly appreciated.




Geoff Thompson

Avaion Support


http://www.avaion.com <http://www.avaion.com/> 


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