This is the weirdest thread I've ever seen. I've never seen so many seques used in a thread....

All we need now is for someone to post a question about configuring Tomcat to work with Microsoft SQL Server.

To get back to the spirit of the original post, I personally wouldn't use subqueries due to the indexing issues unless all tables in the query were static in size and small enough that the performance hit was negligable. A table that is growing would mean performance would drop quickly (especially if there were joins between larger tables that could have used indexes).

Subqueries aren't as useful as they are in other databases yet. Here's hoping 5.0 goes gamma/production quckly and 5.1 gets started on (with this feature in place).


Jay Blanchard wrote:

1. Join the development work.

I tried contributing over at the Tomcat project and really just got
by the team there.

That is unfortunate, but cannot be held against the MySQL team, can it?

B. Find a product more suitable to your needs.

My issue is that shops who are committed to MySQL want to use my
I'm really just trying to get along here.

This is new information. Have you spoken to anyone at MySQL since the
list has not been as helpful as you had hoped?

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