"Siegfried Heintze" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 06/29/2005 03:09:28 

> 671 Did not find any old versions with SELECT cJobTitle FROM 
> WHERE fkJobPosting = 209689 AND dtSnapShot = '2005-06-26', attempt to 
> one: INSERT INTO jobtitlecount (fkJobPosting, dtSnapShot, cJobTitle) 
> (209689,'2005-06-26',1)
> 671 Did not find any old versions with SELECT cJobTitle FROM 
> WHERE fkJobPosting = 209689 AND dtSnapShot = '2005-06-26', attempt to 
> one: INSERT INTO jobtitlecount (fkJobPosting, dtSnapShot, cJobTitle) 
> (209689,'2005-06-26',1)
> 676 $result = $sth->execute();
> 678 Insert must of have worked! 
> DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Duplicate entry '209689-2005-06-26' for 
key 1
> at ./crawl-hot-jobs.pl line 675.
> 676 $result = $sth->execute();
> At the end are my print messages from a perl program using MySQL (v 4.1, 
> do I tell for sure?) with the DBI interface. The first integer on the 
> is the line number.
> I first check to see if the record exists:
> SELECT cJobTitle FROM jobtitlecount WHERE fkJobPosting = 209689 AND
> dtSnapShot = '2005-06-26'
> When I don't find an entry, I try an insert:
> INSERT INTO jobtitlecount (fkJobPosting, dtSnapShot, cJobTitle) VALUES
> (209689,'2005-06-26',1)
> This indicates success.
> But then it tells me I have a syntax error!
> DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Duplicate entry '209689-2005-06-26' for 
key 1
> at ./crawl-hot-jobs.pl line 675.
> The primary key consists of two fields: fkJobPosting (integer) and
> dtSnapshot (date).
> Now if my SQL had a syntax error, would it not give me an error every 
> So why do I get "syntax" error?

A syntax error is not your first error message. I see a message that you 
are attempting to duplicate a key value that already exists. Are you sure 
that your initial check is returning FALSE when you look for a matching 
record?  Have you considered using the INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY format 
or possibly the INSERT IGNORE format? Either one of those will let you 
deal with the case of what you should do if you attempt to create a record 
that would duplicate an existing records PK values.

I don't use DBD or I could offer better advice. However, some database 
libraries force you to execute your commands one at a time. Could this be 
what is happening to you bewteen lines 683 and 686? I would also check 
(print so that you can see) the full text of the statement you are 
attempting to execute in line 686. It could be that you have a mismatched 
set of single quotes. You have to remember to escape all of the special 
characters used in a string literal or it will corrupt your statement. If, 
for example, you are building an INSERT statement that contains the name 
of a buisiness plus some other fields and that business has an apostrophe 
in its name, that apostrophe needs to be escaped or it will break your 
INSERT statement.

> I don't get a syntax error every time. Most of the time, everything 
> fine.
> Thanks,
> Siegfried
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> 683  insert failed: INSERT INTO jobtitlecount (fkJobPosting, dtSnapShot,
> cJobTitle) VALUES (209689,'2005-06-26',1) /try delete: 'DELETE 
> WHERE dtSnapShot ='2005-06-26' AND fkJobPosting = 209689' 
>  select='SELECT cJobTitle FROM jobtitlecount WHERE fkJobPosting = 209689 
> dtSnapShot = '2005-06-26''Duplicate entry '209689-2005-06-26' for key 1
> DBD::mysql::st execute failed: You have an error in your SQL syntax. 
> the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right
> syntax to use near 'WHERE dtSnapShot ='2005-06-26' AND fkJobPosting =
> 209689' at li at ./crawl-hot-jobs.pl line 686.
> Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at
> ./crawl-hot-jobs.pl line 707.
> 707 $nDBVersion[0]  >= 1 version=1 nDBVersion=() fkJobId = 209689 No 
need to
> update database,it is more recent.
Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

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