Send the code if it is still not working.


-----Original Message-----
From: Darrell Cormier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2005 7:16 PM
To: mysql_list
Subject: Re: prepared statement problems

Sujay Koduri said the following on 08/18/2005 12:31 AM:
>The problem here is that you have two input bind variables, but you 
>declaring MysQL BIND array as  parm_bind[1], which can hold only one 
>input bind variable. Make it parm_bind[2]. That should work.
Thank you for your response.  Unfortunately this is not the problem.  
I'm sorry I forgot to change that back when I pasted the code into this
email.  I originally had it as parm_bind[2] but then was trying to narrow my
problem and only work with one parameter in hopes of solving one at a time.
I then forgot to change it back to 2 before sending my request for help.
There must be something else here that I am missing.

p.s. I corrected the code below for the mistake you pointed out.

>If I hard code everything in my SQL statement, like: 
>static char     *sql_stmt = {
>    "select product "
>            "from lth "
>            "where facility = \"XTEX6\""
>            "and lot = \"5025267\" "
>            "and trn = \"LOGI\" "
>everything works fine.  However, if I attempt to pass facility and lot 
>static char     *sql_stmt = {
>    "select product "
>            "from lth "
>            "where facility = ? "
>            "and lot = ? "
>            "and trn = \"LOGI\" "
>I am unable to get any data back.  I have enclosed my source code below.
>Does anyone see where I have made a mistake that would prevent this 
>from working properly.
>Sorry for the length.  I will greatly appreciate any assistance I can get.
>Darrell Cormier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Registered Linux user #370711
>// The following is my code//
>#include <config.h>
>#include <iostream>
>#include <cstdlib>
>#include "msql_conn_env.h"
>#define STRING_SIZE 50
>MYSQL_STMT    *stmt;
>MYSQL_BIND    parm_bind[2], res_bind[1];
>MYSQL_RES    *ps_meta_result, *ps_results;
>int    parm_count, col_count, row_count, fetch_row_count;
>unsigned long    length, str_length[2];
>my_bool    is_null[1];
>static char     *sql_stmt = {
>    "select product "
>            "from lth "
>            "where facility = ? "
>            "and lot = ? "
>            "and trn = \"LOGI\" "
>using namespace std;
>void print_error(MYSQL *conn, char *message) {
>    cerr << message << endl;
>    if (conn != NULL)
>    {
>        cerr << "ERROR " << mysql_errno(conn) << ":  (" <<
>mysql_error(conn) << ")" << endl;
>    }//end if(conn != NULL)
>}//end print_error
>int main(int argc, char *argv[])
>    char    product[35], facility[6], lot[12];
>    string f_cility = "XTEX6";
>    conn=mysql_init(NULL);
>    cout << conn << endl;
>    if(conn==NULL)
>    {
>        print_error(conn,"F -- Database Login Failed!\n ");
>        exit(1);
>    } //end db init
>    if (!s)
>    {
>        s = getenv ("DB_LZS_CONNECT");
>        if (!s)
>        {
>            //error ("Umgebungs-Variable DB_LZS_CONNECT ist nicht 
>            //English translation needed:
>            cerr << "Environment Variable DB_LZS_CONNECT not defined!\n";
>        }
>    }
>    //if (mysql_real_connect(conn,s) == NULL)
>    if 
>my_port_number, my_socket_name, my_flags) == NULL)
>//MySQL connection --> NULL = Failure; a successful connection would 
>return first variable's value (i.e. MySQL connection handle).
>    {
>        cerr << "No connection to the data base server (LTS 
>DB).\n";          // no connection to database server
>    }
>    else
>    {
>        cerr << "Connection to the LTS database was successful.\n";
>    }
>    stmt = mysql_stmt_init(conn);
>    if(!stmt)
>    {
>        cerr << "mysql_stmt_init() failure.  Possibly out of memory\n";
>        exit(0);
>    }
>    if(mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, sql_stmt, strlen(sql_stmt)))
>    {
>        cerr << "mysql_stmt_prepare(), SELECT Failed!!\n";
>        cerr << mysql_stmt_error(stmt) << "\n";
>        exit(0);
>    }
>    cout << "mysql_stmt_prepare() was successful\n";
>    parm_count = mysql_stmt_param_count(stmt);
>    cout << "total parameters in SELECT:  " << parm_count << endl;
>    if (parm_count !=2)
>    {
>    cerr << " invalid parameter count returned by MySQL" << endl;
>    exit(0);
>    }
>    memset (parm_bind, 0, sizeof(parm_bind));
>    str_length[0]=6;
>    str_length[1]=12;
>    strncpy(lot, "5028368",12);
>    strncpy(facility, "XTEX6",6);
>    //bind facility
>    parm_bind[0].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_STRING;
>    parm_bind[0].buffer= (char*)&facility;
>    parm_bind[0].buffer_length= 6;
>    parm_bind[0].is_null= 0;
>    parm_bind[0].length= &str_length[0];
>    //bind lot
>    parm_bind[1].buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_STRING;
>    parm_bind[1].buffer = (char*) &lot;
>    parm_bind[1].buffer_length = 12;
>    parm_bind[1].is_null=0;
>    parm_bind[1].length= &str_length[1];   
>        // Specify the data values for the parameters.
>    //strmov(szData, (char *)"venu");
>    //bind parameter buffers to prepared statement
>    if (mysql_stmt_bind_param (stmt, parm_bind))
>    {
>        cerr << " mysql_stmnt_bind_param() failed"  << endl;
>        cerr << mysql_stmt_error(stmt) << endl;
>        exit(0);
>    }
>        /* Fetch result set meta information */
>    ps_meta_result = mysql_stmt_result_metadata(stmt);
>    if (!ps_meta_result)
>    {
>        cerr << "ERROR - mysql_stmt_result_metadat() failed!" << endl;
>        cerr << mysql_stmt_error(stmt) << endl;
>        exit(0);
>    }
>    col_count = mysql_num_fields(ps_meta_result);
>    cout << "Total number of columns in SELECT statement :  " << 
>col_count << endl;
>    if (col_count !=1) //validate column count
>    {
>        cerr << "  Invalid number of columns returned by MySQL!!" << endl;
>        exit(0);
>    }
>    // Execute the SELECT query
>    if(mysql_stmt_execute(stmt))
>    {
>        cerr << " mysql_stmt_execute() failed!!"  << endl;
>        cerr << mysql_stmt_error(stmt) << endl;
>        exit(0);
>    }
>    memset(res_bind, 0, sizeof(res_bind));
>    res_bind[0].buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_STRING;
>    res_bind[0].buffer = (char*) &product;
>    res_bind[0].buffer_length = STRING_SIZE;
>    res_bind[0].is_null = &is_null[0];
>    res_bind[0].length = &length;
>    // bind the results buffers
>    if (mysql_stmt_bind_result(stmt, res_bind))
>    {
>        cerr << "mysql_stmt_bind_result() failed"  << endl;
>        cerr << mysql_stmt_error(stmt) << endl;
>        exit(0);
>    }
>    //buffer the results to the client
>    if (mysql_stmt_store_result(stmt))
>    {
>        cerr << "mysql_stmt_store_result() failed"  << endl;
>        cerr << mysql_stmt_error(stmt) << endl;
>        exit(0);
>    }
>    row_count = mysql_stmt_num_rows(stmt);
>    //fetch all rows
>    cout << "Fetching results..." << endl;
>    while(!mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt))
>    {
>    fetch_row_count++;
>        cout << "Row " << fetch_row_count << endl;
>        //product (aka column1)\
>        cout << "Product  :  ";
>        if (is_null[0])
>        {
>            cout << "NULL" << endl;
>        }
>        else
>        {
>            cout << product << "(" << length << ")" << endl;
>        }
>    } // end while fetch
>    cout << "Total rows SELECTED:  " << row_count << endl;
>    cout << "Total rows fetched:  " << fetch_row_count << endl;
>    if (row_count != fetch_row_count)
>    {
>        cerr << "MySQL failed to return all data rows.  " << endl;
>        exit(0);
>    }
>    //Free the result metadata
>    mysql_free_result(ps_meta_result);
>    //Close prepared statement
>    if (mysql_stmt_close(stmt))
>    {
>        cerr << "ERROR - failed while closing the prepared statement. " 
><< endl;
>        cerr << mysql_stmt_error(stmt) << endl;
>        exit(0);
>    }
>  return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Darrell Cormier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Registered Linux user #370711

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