MySQL General List,

   Server specifications:
   MySQL 4.1.3-beta, phpMyAdmin 2.5.7-pl1, PHP 4.3.8
My specifications:
   MySQL beginner, PHP intermediate, HTML and CSS advanced.

   The situation:
I have a table of information on roughly 150 users. Recently, I have added a forum ( "Simple Machines Forum" - ) to the web site. Instead of making each user re-sign up for the forum, I intend to merge the user information I have already so that the users can transition to the forum with their current usernames and password.

So I want to take my current members table and move the data into the new forum members table.

The current members tables uses the default PASSWORD encryption built into MySQL. Although my current MySQL version is 4.1.3, I believe this is the same password encryption that was used in MySQL 3.2. The user data was created in an earlier version of MySQL, and later the database was upgraded. I seem to remember at the time of upgrading that some setting was required in order for the passwords to continue to work. My web hosting service was kind enough to handle this issue for me, but unfortunately this means that I am not entirely clear on what kinds of settings were required and if they impact the encryption method currently employed on my web site. In any case, from within PHP I can confirm a user's password when they log in by using PASSWORD ('$password') in a MySQL statement. They are stored in a varchar field with a length of 16.

The new forum members table which is the destination of the data uses a md5 Hmac encryption method, executed in PHP, and then stored in MySQL as a varchar field with a length of 100.

   The PHP function for the encryption method looks like this:
function md5_hmac($data, $key)
$key = str_pad(strlen($key) <= 64 ? $key : pack('H*', md5($key)), 64, chr(0x00)); return md5(($key ^ str_repeat(chr(0x5c), 64)) . pack('H*', md5(($key ^ str_repeat(chr(0x36), 64)). $data)));

   When calling the function, I use the following PHP code:
passwd = '". md5_hmac($password, strtolower($username)) . "'"
   The Questions:
Since the md5_encryption is handled in PHP, will I be able to create an equivelant command in MySQL when copying the fields from one table to another? If so, what will be the command to extract the passwords from the original table and encrypt them with the new method in the destination table? What I've done so far: After a little web searching and independent thinking, I thought that one approach might be to decrypt the password fields and store them as plain text in the destination table, and then once all the user data is in, run a PHP command to run through and encrypt all the password fields with the new encryption. Is this the best approach?

   Any assistance is much appreciated. Thank you.


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