Thanks for the questions, hopefully this will help: InnoDB, yes. It's 
version 4.1.11, not replicated.

I am familiar with KILL. It is definitely something I CAN do, but not 
necessarily something I SHOULD do at this point in time. Usually when you 
kill a process while it's running, it will roll back the transaction before 
releasing the process, which often takes as long as the commit: I'd rather 
not kill it and have it rolling back for two weeks if I can help it.


-- Joe

On 9/6/05, Kevin Burton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> INNODB I assume?
> Replicated environment?
> What version of mysql?
> See KILL in the SQL manual.. if you do a show processlist you can get the 
> pid and you might be able to kill it.
> I believe that it's safe to do a KILL on an DELETE but any decision you 
> make her is your own...
> That's a LOT of data...
> Also.. if the kill works you could still delete in the future but put a 
> LIMIT on the delete clause. This way you can determine how long your 
> delete's will take. 
> Kevin
> On 9/6/05, Joseph Cochran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > Here's the situation. I have a table of about 900 million rows, 
> > consisting
> > of a bigint and an int in each row. There's an index on the bigint. The
> > table is referenced in a SELECT in other DB operations roughly 15 or 20 
> > times per day.
> > 
> > We're under tight deadlines and some operations on the table were 
> > getting
> > too slow, so two weeks ago I initiated a DELETE from the table that 
> > should
> > remove about 600 million of the rows, based on values in the int column. 
> > 
> > 
> > It's still running.
> > 
> > In the interim, it appears that the transaction has finished (doing a 
> > select
> > will yield rows that should be there while rows that should not are 
> > indeed
> > excluded), but the transaction is still "updating" in the processlist 
> > and 
> > hasn't returned to the prompt that issued it. Further, MySQL appears to 
> > be
> > thrashing the disk, running about 250 transactions per second of about 
> > 20-25
> > KB per transaction. The end result of this is that any DB operation we 
> > run 
> > that's small enough to be in memory is unaffected, but anything that 
> > starts
> > swapping to the disk is sloooow.
> > 
> > We have changed our workflow and I've changed the code so that the 
> > affected
> > table isn't hurting us directly anymore, but now it's two weeks on and 
> > very 
> > soon our deadline will have passed and I'll need to resolve this if the
> > transaction doesn't finish.
> > 
> > At this point I don't care what I should or should not have done, or 
> > what
> > went wrong to cause this sort of hang. I need to know what my options 
> > are 
> > when we have time to work on the server without impacting other people's
> > deadlines, which means I need a few educated guesses on what's going on 
> > with
> > the DB. What will happen if I stop the transaction from my client? If I 
> > kill 
> > the process? What will happen if we reboot the server? What the heck is
> > MySQL DOING that's thrashing the disk anyway? Why is it not using a 
> > higher
> > throughput to the disk?
> > 
> > We're okay for now, but we're kind of without a net in that backups take 
> > 16 
> > hours to run because of the slow disk access. So we have something, it's
> > just not very optimal.
> > 
> > But at some point in the next few weeks I'm going to have to take some 
> > sort
> > of action if this thing doesn't commit, and I don't want it to be 
> > offline 
> > for several days undoing whatever it's done.
> > 
> > Any advice would be most appreciated.
> > 
> > -- Joe
> > 
> > 
> -- 
> Kevin A. Burton, Location - San Francisco, CA
> AIM/YIM - sfburtonator, Web -
> GPG fingerprint: 5FB2 F3E2 760E 70A8 6174 D393 E84D 8D04 99F1 4412 

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