Thank so much for the detailed explaination. I do appreciate it.

It's more clear now. But I still have a question:

I do see 'root' after: select user,host from mysql.user;

Then I did this as you said:


then I issue:

select * from mysql.user where user='root';

I found the select previlege is still 'N'.

Besided this, how do I know 'mydatabase' from those tables in 'mysql'
database that 'mydatabase' is allowed to be connected by 'root' from the
IP. I am confusing here because the 'user' table only give the association
betweem 'host' and user 'root' in the Mysql server. But where is the
database association?

wait a minute, yes, I see. When I issue:

select * from mysql.db where user='root';

I did see the association and the SELECT_priv is 'Y' there.

But, in the java program running in the local XP machine still can NOT
connect to the database existing in the other Solaris machine!!!!!!

I tried in the local XP machine:

telnet theserver 3306

I failed.

I guess this is why I can not connect to the server. Could be it possible
that the Solaris machine deny any request from the PC to the port 3306? I
can ssh to the server, or using winscp.

I am really confused here. Is it a mysql issue or the system configuration
issue on the server?

Btw, I can run the same java program from other machine in Solaris system
to connect the database as the user 'root'. Does this imply that it's
administration issue?

Thanks for your kind help and patience.


> "Xiaobo Chen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 11/03/2005 02:54:16 PM:
>> I have a question related to connection control.
>> If I want to connect to one database A in the server from another
>> computer. I am using 'root' and it password. But how shall I add the
> host
>> in which table of which database (mysql?) so that the user 'root' can
>> connect to the database?
>> A little explaination is that, I used 'root' in a java program which use
>> JDBC and tried to connect a database A in the server. And the program is
>> run in a XP machine. In that XP machine, there is no user called 'root'.
>> I read through this link:
>> I still didn't know how to do it. Anyone can help me?
>> Xiaobo
> You are correct in saying that the XP machine doesn't have a user called
> 'root'. The fact that your database server's operating system (I assume
> you are hosting your database on a LINUX or UNIX server) has a user called
> 'root' is only confusing. The only 'root' you need to worry about is the
> one defined as a user WITHIN MySQL.
> run this query
> SELECT * from mysql.user;
> Can you see a user called 'root' in the results? There may be other users
> listed there, too. MySQL security is based mostly on the values of the
> columns `Host` and `User`. Look at part of a sample `user` table:
> localhost>select Host,User from mysql.user;
> +-----------+----------------+
> | Host      | User           |
> +-----------+----------------+
> | %         | odbctest       |
> | 192.168.% | sgreen         |
> | %         | slave          |
> | localhost | ChartReader    |
> | localhost | cpwapp2        |
> | localhost | dataimporter   |
> | localhost | datareader     |
> | localhost | odbctest       |
> | localhost | root           |
> +-----------+----------------+
> 8 rows in set (0.03 sec)
> For this server, the user 'root' can only log in from the local machine
> (the computer running the MySQL daemon). Why? That is the only value
> allowed by its `Host` entry. The user 'sgreen' cannot login from the local
> machine. However, that user can try to login from any machine on the
> 192.168.xx.xx subnet. The user 'odbctest' can login to the MySQL server
> from either the local machine or from any outside address.
> Here are some valid login combinations:
> ----------------------------------------------
> Username - location of that user
> ----------------------------------------------
> sgreen -
> odbctest -
> root - localhost (from the machine hosting the MySQL server)
> Here are some invalid (disallowed) login combinations:
> ----------------------------------------------
> Username - location of that user
> ----------------------------------------------
> sgreen -
> root -
> cpwapp2 -
> You manage the contents of the `user` table (and a few others, too) with
> the GRANT command and the REVOKE command. If a user attempts to login from
> an address they do not have permission to use (you limit the usable
> addresses with the GRANT statement you used you define the user account
> within MySQL) they will not be able to connect to the MySQL server.
> For example,
> *I wanted to create a new user account for the login 'idiotuser'
> *AND only allow this login to select data from any table in the `safety`
> database (and no others)
> *AND their login password is to be 'dunce'
> *AND I only want 'idiotuser' to be able to connect from one machine (IP
> address
> I would use the follwing GRANT statement:
> None of what I just talked about has anything to do with the Operating
> System user 'root'. The permissions for that user belong to the OS, not
> MySQL. You do not use OS permissions to authenticate with a MySQL server.
> You have to use MySQL user accounts to authenticate with a MySQL server.
> additional reading:
> Let me know if I helped or just made it more confusing...
> Shawn Green
> Database Administrator
> Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Master of Applied Computer Science
Faculty of Computer Science
Dalhousie University
Halifax, Nova Scotia

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