Try typing at the command prompt

$ aliases

$ which mysql

$ echo $PATH

The first one will list any aliases that have been setup. The second
will tell you the directory the system thinks it is getting mysql from
and the third will list your PATH environment variable. If you see an
alias named mysql, that may well be your culprit. If you installed from
an rpm (I don't know much about the debian apt-get thingy) you should
find the mysql command in /usr/bin


David Logan 
Database Administrator 
HP Managed Services 
148 Frome Street, 
Adelaide 5000 

+61 8 8408 4273 - Work 
+61 417 268 665 - Mobile 
+61 8 8408 4259 - Fax 

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Phillips [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, 22 December 2005 5:21 PM
Cc: Logan, David (SST - Adelaide)
Subject: Re: Need Help Connecting


How do I do that?



On Wednesday 21 December 2005 11:37 pm, Logan, David (SST - Adelaide)
> Hi Mark,
> Have you checked to see if you any aliases set? It might be using that
> instead of the mysql command. May well be worth checking your path to
> ensure you aren't picking up a script called mysql or something
> Regards
> David Logan
> Database Administrator
> HP Managed Services
> 148 Frome Street,
> Adelaide 5000
> Australia
> +61 8 8408 4273 - Work
> +61 417 268 665 - Mobile
> +61 8 8408 4259 - Fax
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mark Phillips [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, 22 December 2005 5:02 PM
> To: MYSQL List
> Subject: Need Help Connecting
> I have the following setup - mysql 4.0.24 running on Debian Linux
> stable.
> I set up a user 'mark' with a password. When I log into my Linux box
> user
> 'mark', I cannot connect to mysql - I get this funny error message:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ mysql -h localhost -u mark -p
> mysql: unknown option '--user           mark'
> If I su to another user, I can login as mark to mysql
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ mysql -h localhost -u mark -p
> Enter password:
> Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
> Your MySQL connection id is 128 to server version:
> 4.0.24_Debian-10sarge1-log
> Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.
> mysql>
> I don't get it - why can't I use the '-u mark' option with mysql when
> am
> logged into my own Linux user account?
> Thanks!
> --
> Mark Phillips
> Phillips Marketing, Inc
> 602 524-0376
> 480 945-9197 fax
> --
> MySQL General Mailing List
> For list archives:
> To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mark Phillips
602 524-0376

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