Thanks for your comments!

I ran my entire script (DROP DATABASE and all) with the command-line client,
and got no errors.  Perhaps there is something with the Query Browser that
is causing this problem.

I added the IF EXISTS and IF NOT EXISTS in appropriate places (although I
can see the database there beforehand, and see it disappear in MySQL
Administrator, it shouldn't be necessary in this case because I know what is
there).  Of course, I still get the duplicate index errors in Query Browser,
but I suspect it is that program and not the database server that is causing

The reason I am scripting this manually is because I am trying to learn and
practice MySQL (I come from a MS SQL Server background), and this database
is very small (3 or 4 tables, a view and 2 stored procedures so far).  It is
not difficult to make a change and re-run the script.  When I get anything
good (and of decent size) going I'll start using the other options; right
now I'm just playing with a throwaway database to get a feel for the syntax.

On 3/13/06, Andreas Krüger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Stephen,
> the behavior of MySQL server sounds bizarre, as to what information you
> give us.
> For the DROP DATABASE and DROP TABLE statements, there is an option that
> prevents an error, if database or table don' t exist:
> You might also want to have a look at the 5.0 manual:
> I am further astonished that you do script files manually for re-creating
> databases and tables.*
> Why don' t you use mysqldump for dumping a database and its tables & mysql
> for loading the dumped information?*
> You can dump a database by
> mysqldump db_name > db_name.sql
> There are many handy options to mysqldump as --add-drop-table and -all
> that you should consider to use
> You then can manually update the dump files in a text editor.
> mysql db_name < db_name.sql
> recreates the dumped data with all tables.
> Andy
> Stephen Cook wrote:
> I am scripting out the creation of a database so I can make changes and then
> run the script to generate a clean copy (by running it in MySQL Query
> Browser).
> The script DROPs all the tables, then CREATEs them again along with all the
> indices and whatnot.  However, if I run the script after having run it once
> (if I close the Query Browser and then open it again and reload the script
> later), I get error 1061 "Duplicate key name" on all of the indices.
> So I figured I missed something, and I'll just DROP the whole database and
> then run the script.  I add a "DROP DATABASE databasename;" and a "CREATE
> DATABASE databasename;" at the start of my script and try to run it again.
> Now I get errors 1008 "Can't drop database 'databasename'; database doesn't
> exist" and 1007 "Can't create database 'databasename'; database exists",
> followed by the index errors above.
> If I drop the database from MySQL Administrator (or the command-line
> client), and then run the script again I get the same errors.  The database
> and all of the scripted objects are created (properly as far as I can tell),
> but why would I get these errors?
> I am using the latest version of MySQL (5.0.19) with InnoDB as the storage
> engine on Windows 2000 Professional SP4, but I have the same problem with
> 5.0.17.
> If there is any other information you need I'd be happy to supply it.

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