At 4:24 pm -0500 14/3/06, fbsd_user wrote:
>user has to use the power bar to move deeper into the form

Out of curiosity, what's "the power bar"?

>From a db perspective one single insert is preferable, IMO. Firstly you don't 
>have to declare as NULL required fields that will be entered in the second, 
>third or Nth form page. Secondly you won't get incomplete entries, as has 
>already been mentioned.

If it was a sign-up form, say, and you have a unique index on the user e-mail 
address, then you would run into problems if a user completed the first page of 
the signup and created a new row in the table, then for some reason started 
from scratch (e.g. their 'puter crashed). They wouldn't be able to start again 
because their e-mail address would already be in the unique field in the table.

I would do one of two things:

a) use a session management system to store the submitted details until you get 
to the final form page and can insert the whole lot into the table

b) Have the whole form on one page and use Javascript to only show one part of 
the form at any one time (but in such a way that it degrades gracefully for 
non-JS browsers - i.e. they get the whole form on one page)

James Harvard

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