This is software I use:

D:\MD>mysql --version
mysql  Ver 14.7 Distrib 4.1.12, for Win32 (ia32)

C:\Apache\Apache2\bin>Apache.exe -v
Server version: Apache/2.0.54
Server built:   Apr 16 2005 14:25:31

Microsoft Windows 2000 [Version 5.00.2195]

Exactly which parameters can I tweak to fix this error (i.e. errno=2006 errmsg=Server gone)?? At this stage _any_ help/hint/guess would be really appreciated.


Dilipkumar wrote:

If this is related to mysql please let us know what version you are using (Mysql) and which OS.

This error can be fixed tunning your vaiables for mysql.

Martin Olsson wrote:


I'm still struggling with the errno=2006 err="server is gone". I thought I could provide some more info if that makes the problem any more clear:

Basically, I'm uploading a file to a database. With no modifications to the form or the handler script it works on _some_ images and breaks on some. It's not a image size issue, I can happily upload some images larger than 2mb and it breaks on a 57kb image. Further I have examples of gif/jpg/png that works so it's not a file format issue either. The server runs locally (just as apache) and there is just one of them (no master/slave and/or replication stuff). I'm running everything on a win2k system with all service packs. I certainly wasn't shutting the server down at the moment and this error is 100% reprod on the specific files that break it.


Joerg Bruehe; you pointed out that: "this message is issued if the client gets an error reported while sending a command to the server". How can I determine if this is in fact the case? And in particular, how can I get my hands on the exact error sent?

In general, is there any types of logging I can check and/or enable to further dig into the cause of this problem?


Martin Olsson wrote:


I get this weird error message:

    ErrNo: 2006
    Error: MySQL server has gone away.

What does it mean? I couldn't find anything useful on google and the error message isn't exactly "verbose".. :)


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