Hi Dave,

1st: Never, never, never store passwords in plain text!! Just don't do it. Store a hash of the password (ie md5 or something else).

2nd: Never pass any input from the Internet directly into a query without first checking it for sql injection.

Take a look at Wikipedia article for a brief explanation and several links to further info.


Critters wrote:
A user was able to log into my site using:
1' and '1' or '1
in the username and password box.

I ran the query
SELECT * FROM members WHERE name = '1' and '1' or '1' AND password = '1' and 
'1' or '1'

And it returned all rows. Can someone explain to me why this happens, and if the steps I 
took (replacing the ' with a blank space when the user submits the login form) is enough 
to prevent a similar "hack"

Appreciate any feedback.

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