Finally I decided to use:
SELECT id FROM mytable WHERE MATCH(firstname, lastname, comments)
AGAINST ('+"johnie"' IN BOOLEAN MODE) ORDER BY firstname, lastname
It works (except with acute vowel words in UTF8).

Thank you very much.

On 9/20/07, Baron Schwartz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> thomas Armstrong wrote:
> >> If you need something more complicated, such as only ignoring "(", then you
> >> need to get more complicated. You might even need a regular expression.
> > I'm to browse:
> >
> >
> You know, you don't have to do fancy regexp matching or even LIKE.
> There's really no advantage to using those over what looks like it'll be
> simpler in this case:  INSTR().
> SELECT INSTR('John (Johnie)', 'Johnie') AS John, INSTR('Peter',
> 'Johnie') AS Peter;
> +------+-------+
> | John | Peter |
> +------+-------+
> |    7 |     0 |
> +------+-------+
> Just say "WHERE INSTR(haystack, needle) > 0" in your WHERE clause, and
> you're done.

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