2008/10/14 Peter Brawley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Philip
>  mysql> SELECT number, MAX(event), name FROM info GROUP BY number;
> For discussion & examples see "Within-group aggregates" at
> PB
> -----
> philip wrote:
>> I created a table with,
>> CREATE TABLE info (
>>    number INTEGER UNSIGNED,
>>    name VARCHAR(2000) NOT NULL,
>>    PRIMARY KEY (number, event)
>> );
>> and populated it with data to produce this,
>> +--------+-------+-------+
>> | number | event | name  |
>> +--------+-------+-------+
>> |     67 |     1 | Alice |
>> |     67 |     2 | Bob   |
>> |     69 |     1 | Carol |
>> |     70 |     1 | Alex  |
>> |     71 |     1 | David |
>> |     72 |     1 | Bob   |
>> |     72 |     2 | Alice |
>> |     72 |     3 | David |
>> +--------+-------+-------+
>> What I want to produce is a table with rows from the original with only
>> the maximum value of event for each corresponding number selected, like
>> this
>> +--------+------------+-------+
>> | number | event      | name  |
>> +--------+------------+-------+
>> |     67 |          2 | Bob   |
>> |     69 |          1 | Carol |
>> |     70 |          1 | Alex  |
>> |     71 |          1 | David |
>> |     72 |          3 | David |
>> +--------+------------+-------+
>> The closest I have managed to produce using GROUP BY is,
>> mysql> SELECT number, MAX(event), name FROM info GROUP BY number;
>> +--------+------------+-------+
>> | number | MAX(event) | name  |
>> +--------+------------+-------+
>> |     67 |          2 | Alice | <- should be Bob
>> |     69 |          1 | Carol |
>> |     70 |          1 | Alex  |
>> |     71 |          1 | David |
>> |     72 |          3 | Bob   | <- should be David
>> +--------+------------+-------+
>> I tried using a HAVING clause but got nowhere.
>> Can anybody help please ?
>> TTFN,
>>   Philip Riebold, [EMAIL PROTECTED]       /"\
>>   Media Services                            \ /
>>   University College London                  X  ASCII Ribbon Campaign
>>   Windeyer Building, 46 Cleveland Street    / \ Against HTML Mail
>>   London, W1T 4JF
>>   +44 (0)20 7679 9259 (switchboard), 09259 (internal)
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>> 270.7.6/1713 - Release Date: 10/7/2008 6:40 PM

Sincerely yours,
Olexandr Melnyk

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