I currently have an application that runs on MySQL 4.0.12.  I'd like to
update it to the newest version of MySQL so I can have multiple applications
using the one database.  However, I'm running into some permissions

When I install MySQL 4.0.12 I set up an administrator user.  Then I run
mysql.exe and I'm able to create a new database for the application.  I
don't log in or anything like that.

Now I've stood up MySQL 5.0.67 on another machine.  I've recreated the same
administrator user, but I'm not sure how to give them the priveleges, since
I didn't do anything like that with the older version.  And when I try to
create the database using mysql.exe I get the following error.

ERROR 1044 (42000): Access denied for user ''@'localhost' to database

So I'm assuming that my permissions aren't setup correctly, but I'm not sure
what I need to change.  5.0.67 seems to handle the administration fairly
differently than 4.0.12.  Also, I'm not running the newer version as a
service.  I don't think that would effect things, but I figured I should
mention it.


Bai Shen

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