2008/12/24 xufeng <xuf...@yuanjie.net>:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: baron.schwa...@gmail.com [mailto:baron.schwa...@gmail.com] On Behalf
>> Of Baron Schwartz
>> Sent: 2008年12月24日 22:06
>> To: Jake Maul
>> Cc: mysql@lists.mysql.com
>> Subject: Re: On fighting with master-slave replication lag
>> On Wed, Dec 24, 2008 at 2:31 AM, Jake Maul <jakem...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Slightly more complicated (and also probably more accurate- the time
>> > reported by show slave status is known to be unreliable in some cases)
>> > would be a script that inserts a row into a table, then check the
>> > slave over and over till it arrives. Or even better, insert 2
>> > values... a timestamp that *you* provide (in a shell script, something
>> > like $(date) would work) and a timestamp generated by MySQL....
>> > assuming the times are syncronized on the master, slave, and the box
>> > you're inserting from, when the insert hits the slave it'll generate
>> > it's own timestamp, which you can then subtract *your* timestamp from.
>> >
>> > There's also a tool in maatkit which does replication tracking,
>> > although I've not yet used it. Judging by the other tools in that
>> > package though, it's probably pretty decent :).
>> It is mk-heartbeat, and it does pretty much what you described,
>> although it's been tweaked to be slightly more complex to suit various
>> real-world scenarios.
> I have read some stuff on http://www.maatkit.org/doc/mk-heartbeat.html and
> am interested in this tool. I guess in reality the mk-heartbeat tool checks
> the output of show master status on the master with focus on the File and
> Position fileds.

If you really read that link, it puzzles me how you could come to that
conclusion about the tool.  It does no such thing and I think
http://www.maatkit.org/doc/mk-heartbeat.html#DESCRIPTION describes
that pretty clearly.  Let me know if the documentation needs to be

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