On Jan 14, 2009 9:40pm, Miguel Cardenas <renit...@gmail.com> wrote:

I'm using /MT (LIBCMT.lib?) and it is multi-threaded since all my

multi-thread code is working. LIBCMTD.lib is ignored because it is

in a post at MySQL forums "

http://forums.mysql.com/read.php?45,49606,49606#msg-49606"; and anyway

applications do not compile if not ignored because lots of duplicated

symbols at link time.

The issue is like this (as accurate as I remember) according the debugger

call stack:

1) Call mysql_real_connect()

2) mysql_real_connect() calls a shared memory request function

3) the shared memory request fails in a internal strcpy() (asm, not source

available) because a memory violation trying to acces 0x00000000

Note these conditions:

- The program fails inside VC++ 2008 express debug session

- The program runs perfect without debug session or called directly by

- I'm programming inside VirtualBox/WinXP

Now I don't know if this problem is related to the VC++ debugger that

with certain condition of the MySQL client library or the VirtualBox

shared memory in a different way than a real computer.

I emphasize that my program works perfect with Linux, FreeBSD and Solaris,

even Windows if not run in a debug session, and the problem arises inside

the MySQL library, not in the MySQL code but inside the shared memory

function it calls.

I hope this could help to get an idea

I suggest you to check bug list if you don't found one than create one.



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