I am banging my head.

First, is not a file permission problem.

I cant import data on some replication slaves either in binary, or from a
sql mysqldump.

I use one innodb file per table and I am importing only two databases on a

After a few hours  seem that the problem is with the name of the database,

since I can import on a different database/directory.

I tried to import only the DDL(from the master where the dump comes from)

to recreate all the tables to 'refresh' the information schema,

then stop the DB, copy the .ibd datafiles in the directory, start the DB,

and if I do a DESC dummy get:


ERROR 1146 (42S02): Table 'foobar.dummy' doesn't exist


If I drop the database I get the error in the subject


ERROR 1010 (HY000): Error dropping database (can't rmdir ./foobar


If I try to import from the SQL dump:


ERROR 1005 (HY000) at line 23: Can't create table './foobar/dummy.frm'
(errno: -1)


I am stuck, any help really really aprreciated!



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