It will great if the MYSQL guys were to buy mysql from Oracle for half the
price that Sun paid.

They would come out making lots of money and back controlling their own


On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 4:47 PM, Arthur Fuller <>wrote:

> I hereby bet the farm that this shall not occur. I have $10 to say that
> this
> shall not occur.
> a) Who is going to challenge the deal?
> b) What possible purpose would it serve to interr MySQL?
> c) Assuming there is some reason for b) above, why incur the wrath of the
> MySQL community and their possible bail-outs? Nothing gained and everything
> lost, in such a move.
> d) If we know anything, we know that Scott and Larry are not fools.
> e) In the grand scheme of things, the MySQL piece of this pie is peanuts
> and
> perhaps less. This acquisition is about the big picture (hardware platform
> +
> existing Sparc base + Java, etc.). MySQL, as much as we love it, is a tiny
> teensy part of this acquisition, and my guess is that Scott and Larry are
> much more focussed on the other parts (e.g. end-to-end solutions extending
> from the hardware to the middleware to the Oracle apps, etc.) and in this
> ballpark MySQL is an interesting tidbit but not at all the focus of their
> efforts. Think big, baby. MySQL in this context is a tiny little ripple in
> the pond, having little or nothing to do with Scott/Larry's plans.
> Viewed from this perspective, MySQL becomes a viable alternative to such
> offerings as SQL Express from MS. If for no other reasons than marketing
> imperatives, I am confident that Scott and Larry will choose not to kill
> MySQL but rather regard it as both an entry platform and a position from
> which to upgrade to Oracle.
> Make no mistake about this. There are very sound reasons to upgrade to
> Oracle. Cost is of course a serious issue. But Oracle can do things, and
> has
> various top-end vehicles, that MySQL cannot approach. Consider, to take
> just
> one example, Trusted Oracle, upon which numerous banks bet their bottom
> dollar. Add to this the numerous Oracle Apps.
> I am no champion of Oracle in particular, but I do rtheecognize what
> platforms X and Y can do. If the game is defined as retrieval amongst
> several GB of data, then MySQL has a chance. If the game is retrieval
> amongst several PB of data, with security, then I bet on Oracle. Granted,
> this move requires a team of DBAs etc., but if you are dealing with
> PetaBytes then I suggest that you think carefully about which vendor is
> prepared to take you there.
> Just my $0.02 in this debate. I don't see MySQL and Oracle as competitive
> products. In fact I see the opposite: Oracle gets to occupy a space in the
> open-source community while simultanwously offering an upgrade path to
> multi-petabyte solutions, serious security, and so on. I don't think that
> Scott and Larry are out to hurt the MySQL community, and I'm prepared to
> bet
> that they will invest in the next version of MySQL, You might disagree but
> I
> challenge you to answer Why? Sheer rapaciousness? That doesn't make sense.
> MySQL has garnered numerous big-time players, and in what possible interest
> would Oracle jeapordize these investments?
> As several writers on this thread have said, if Oracle muddies the waters
> then they are prepared to move to PostGres and/or several other
> alternatives, not least to take the MySQL sources to a new playpen. It is
> clearly not in the interests of Oracle to let this happen. Far more
> interesting is to fold the MySQL project into Oracle's overall Linux
> project. Continue to offer MySQL for free, work on transport vehicles that
> let MySQL people migrate effortlessly to Oracle, etc.
> I don't mean to pretend to read Scott and Larry's minds here. But I think
> that the MySQL part of this acquisition, while interesting, is a small part
> of the rationale for buying Sun. The serious interest is in acquiring an
> end-to-end solution, as yet offered by nobody, including IBM and MS. This
> is
> the most significant part of this acquisition. Imagine being the
> salesperson
> of said stack. "We have the hardware and the operating system and the
> middleware and the front-end. Click and go."
> IMO this is a truly formidable argument. In practice, it could be delivered
> as an appliance and/or a blade. And if you don't think this is formidable,
> then wake up and smell the coffee. This could well leap-frog certain other
> competitors -- which is not to say they won't catch up eventually, but it
> is
> to say that Oracle has raised the bar and it's time for competitors such as
> MS to jump through several flaming hoops.
> On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 6:57 PM, John Daisley <
>> wrote:
> > MySQL will live on regardless of who owns the brand. First and foremost
> > MySQL is a community and that community will continue to develop MySQL
> and
> > take it in the direction they want it to go. Sure Oracle could try and
> > force some 'features' or changes through but if the community didn't like
> > them the community would just keep developing 'pre-oracle' MySQL, even if
> > that happens to be under a different name.
> >
> > Personally I would be surprised if the Oracle deal goes unchallenged. I
> > don't think Oracle really 'want' MySQL as it makes very little money and
> > it raises competition concerns. I wouldn't be surprised if Oracle were to
> > look at offloading MySQL to ease competition fears, perhaps to someone
> > like Google who are already heavily involved in the development of MySQL.
> >
> >
> > On Tue, 2009-04-21 at 22:36 +0100, Andy Shellam wrote:
> >
> > > Personally (and I hope I'm wrong) I don't believe there's room in
> > > Oracle's portfolio for two diverse RDBMSs, and I envisage them
> > > re-branding MySQL as an Oracle open-source derivative which begins as
> > > being the MySQL codebase but is slowly migrated toward Oracle's
> > > engineering, to ease the transition for growing companies moving from
> > > MySQL/Oracle open-source to the Oracle enterprise versions.
> >
> >
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