Hi Shawn,
Thanks for your reply.
This is basically a marketing website for different products. The site will be 
visited by the marketer and the customer. 
Here is answer as you asked:
1) The customer and the marketer will visit only one database and they have no 
right to create database by them.
2) Its multiple query per visitor which uses tables in only one database.
3) Few tables will be very haeavy and there may be millions of rows in one 
4) Few heavy tables are Innodb and few are MyISAM
5) Yes, MySQL database sharing the same box as  web server.
I mostly concern about connectoins. Initially 2000 visitor including marketer 
and customer will visit this site.
Thanks in advance.
Jeetendra Ranjan
At 21:21 14/10/2009, Shawn Green wrote:

jeetendra.ran...@sampatti.com wrote:
> Hi,
> Will you plesae guide me ?
> We are about to launch one website whose database is in MySQL. I am very 
> exited about the server setting specially about .cnf file.
> I have below hardware and .cnf details. Will you please guide me is the .cnf 
> file details sufficient to support current hardware. 
> Initially 2000 users will visit this site everyday.
> Hardware and OS
> *************
> ... snip ...

Unfortunately, you have not asked us an answerable question. There are 
too many unknowns in your setup for us to estimate how much database 
usage per customer your site will create. If it's a single query per 
visitor, then you probably can omit any tuning at all. If each visit 
requires dozens of queries each using multiple tables then you have a 
totally different usage profile.

It all boils down to what you are doing to the database, not how many 
people are doing it.

What can you tell us about your application, how many rows of data you 
plan to manage, if your data is mostly MyISAM or InnoDB, and what 
performance numbers you have achieved so far using your lab equipment 
and a simulated user load. Also, is your MySQL database sharing the same 
box as your web server or are they located in separate machines?

At that point, we may be able to make a reasonable guess about your 

Shawn Green, MySQL Senior Support Engineer
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Office: Blountville, TN

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