You wanna help MySQL?  Here's an idea - buy something.

Everyone wants great software for free but the paid conversion rates on open source are a joke. I know nothing of MySQL numbers for conversion to paid versions but I would guess they are low.

Unfortunately the reality is that open source has become a business model for billionaires as the community cuts it's own oxygen supply off by not purchasing anything. Mega billionaires like Google want everything free because it stifles competition from small companies that can't afford to compete on the no-fee playing field. Other projects like Mozilla were founded by rich dudes with an ax to grind. There probably aren't many successful ACTIVE open source projects now-a-days with real, current impact that aren't supported by a mega rich guy, foundation, school, country or company. Certainly MySQL is hurting a billionaire now so that can be pretty dangerous.

The only hope for MySQL is that a rich dude, country, school or company appears that feels that MySQL will help change the world or put someone else out of business. Of course we could raise the paid conversion rates and that would help as well but there is very scant evidence that this is possible.
Sorry for the cynicism but it's just the truth.

Michael Katz

mos wrote:
Instead of forming a group hug and singing kumbuya to save MySQL, why don't we take some action to prevent Oracle from keeping (destroying/crippling) MySQL?

Who are the regulatory bodies that will decide whether Oracle can keep MySQL? Both in Europe and North America? Asia? What are their email addresses? They may not realize how destructive Oracle can be to the future of MySQL and the number of MySQL database installations this will affect.

I think we should start a writing campaign to the regulatory bodies to force (or encourage) them to have Oracle to sell or spin off MySQL to another party. What we need is ACTION.

So if someone could provide us with the names of these regulatory parties and their email addresses, we can try to light a fire under them to put pressure on Oracle. A web page to SaveMySQL would also help get our message across.

What do you think guys? Can someone provide us with the names and email addresses of the regulatory bodies, or would you rather I post the lyrics to kumbuya?


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