OK so I managed to open 3306. Now when I connect using from the
intranet box it works, but when I connect using it's IP it's still the same
situation :(

And now when I connect remotely (from my front end which is accessible via
WWW), it says "ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user
(using password: YES)". Does it have something to do with the fact that
'andy' in the mysql user tables is only authorized to connect from
'localhost'? How do I fix this problem.

Thank you very much.

On Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 3:41 PM, Qu, Gang <gan...@quickenloans.com> wrote:

> Make sure the port is open from the db server.  you can test it using
> "telnet server 3306(if that's what you use)".  If not, have your network
> admin open the port for you.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: listan...@gmail.com [mailto:listan...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Monday, June 07, 2010 3:37 PM
> To: mysql@lists.mysql.com
> Subject: Connecting Remotely to MySQL Server
> Hello all,
> New to MySQL and still exploring. I have MySQL installed on one of the
> boxes
> on the intranet (on which I am not the root) and am trying to connect to it
> remotely via a box (that can be see from the "external world").
> Unfortunately it does not seem to be working. Here's what I did from the
> shell:
> my sql -h <IP_OF_INTRANET_BOX> -u andy -p
> After I do this, it asks for my password, and after I enter it, it just
> sits
> there doing nothing. I am however able to login using my credentials from
> the intranet box directly. However when from the intranet box, I try to
> login using the exact command above, it's exactly the same situation - it
> just sits there after I enter the password.
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks.
> Andy

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