This should give you a good starting point (not tested):

 select distinct concat('ALTER TABLE ', TABLE_NAME, ' DROP INDEX ',
 from information_schema.key_column_usage where

 - md

On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 10:43 AM, Nunzio Daveri <> wrote:
> Thanks for the feedback.  What I am trying to do is two things:
> 1. Remove all indexes and make the database smaller to copy and move to 
> another
> prod box. Currently my indexes are in the double digit GB! Yikes ;-)
> 2. Remove all indexes so I can find out which ones are needed then tell mysql 
> to
> recreate them and apparently it lessen data fragmentation if it starts from
> scratch vs. turning on and off.
> I was hoping to just remove all and then start from scratch so I know the data
> is not fragmented on the drives.
> Thanks again...
> Nunzio
> ________________________________
> From: Anirudh Sundar <>
> To: Nunzio Daveri <>
> Cc:
> Sent: Tue, August 10, 2010 1:06:41 AM
> Subject: Re: Dropping ALL indexes from a database / not just a table?
> Hello Nunzio,
> Instead of Dropping a index, you can disable the indexes and get the work done
> and re-enable them.
> If you are ok with this then run the below as a shell script :-
> MUSER="username"
> MPASS="password"
> DATABASE="dbname"
> for db in $DATABASE
> do
>  echo "starting disabling indexes for database -- $db"
> echo "----------------------------------------------------------"
> TABLES=`mysql -u $MUSER -p$MPASS $db -e "show tables"`
> for table in $TABLES
> do
> mysql -u $MUSER -p$MPASS $db -e "Alter table $table disable keys"
> done
> echo "completed disabling indexes for database -- $db"
> done
> Cheers,
> Anirudh Sundar
> On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 1:33 AM, Nunzio Daveri <> wrote:
> Hello Gurus, is there a way / script that will let me DROP ALL the indexes in 
> a
>>single database?  for example, lets say my database is call db_Animals, and
>>inside db_Animals there are 97 tables, is there a SINGLE command or a perl
>>script of some kind that can read all the MYI files, remove the .MYI from the
>>file name then proceed to deleting whatever indexes it finds?  I am doing this
>>to debug a server that seems to be slow and sluggish.  After I am done 
>>I will review the slow query logs and then re-index to get the best
> performance?

 - michael dykman

 May the Source be with you.

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