On 17/12/2010, at 9:02 AM, Jerry Schwartz wrote:

> I have to move the back-end of an Access application to MySQL, and I’ve run 
> into one issue that I haven’t been able to solve yet.
> The Access database stores dates as text in a “yyyy/mm/dd” format. The 
> problem is that the default value is a formula that generates the current 
> date, formatted as text. In Access, it looks like
> '=Format$(Now(),\"yyyy/mm/dd\")'
> This construct is used throughout the table definitions.
> Is there any alternative to setting the default to something else (NULL, for 
> example) and moving the “default” into the application code? That would be a 
> significant PITA.

If a 32-bit date range is enough, then you can use the timestamp data type. 
That supports having the current time as the default value. See also 


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