I have to move the back-end of an Access application to MySQL, and I’ve run 
into one issue that I haven’t been able to solve yet.


The Access database stores dates as text in a “yyyy/mm/dd” format. The problem 
is that the default value is a formula that generates the current date, 
formatted as text. In Access, it looks like




This construct is used throughout the table definitions.


Is there any alternative to setting the default to something else (NULL, for 
example) and moving the “default” into the application code? That would be a 
significant PITA.




Jerry Schwartz

Global Information Incorporated

195 Farmington Ave.

Farmington, CT 06032


860.674.8796 / FAX: 860.674.8341

E-mail:  <mailto:je...@gii.co.jp> je...@gii.co.jp 

Web site:  <http://www.the-infoshop.com/> www.the-infoshop.com


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