i would use virtual machines because port/socket/configuration

after running our whole infrastructure on vmware i can not understand
how i could live without machine-snapshots and auto-failover :-)

on hardware with virtualization support performance is also
not a problem and ESXi is free without support on hardware
matching the HCL

Am 03.03.2011 22:52, schrieb Sid Lane:
> I've always had a single physical server that is the qc mysql database for
> all our applications but it's now up to 85 schemas so I want to break it up
> along the same lines as production (where there's redundant pools of mysql
> servers by application class).
> my basic question is whether it's better to run multiple instances on the
> same host or run single instances on multiple VMs on the same physical
> server.  I can see slight advantages/disadvantages to each but no obvious
> upside nor downside to either.
> remember, this is dev/qc, not prod, so I'm leaning toward VMs so I don't
> have to manage port #s in configs or expect developers to remember that
> (also, I don't have to modify scripts for multiple instances, paths, etc).
> not big reasons for sure but all else equal I'll go the less work route and
> the only upside to multi I see is not having to reload the box as VM host.
> any compelling argument for either approach?

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