You might want to look into replication 
( You can set up a 
replication slave to follow the master DB in real time, or offset by minutes, 
hours, days, or weeks, or whatever. That way you have a copy already served up 
waiting in the wings, very accessible. It's best to have at least one slave 
that is offset by at least a day IMHO because the problem could be human error 
and this will be faithfully replicated to the slave. MySQL replication works 
very well. Doing a dump is useful in some situations but we are more and more 
looking to more convenient ways, as storage and hardware is pretty cheap but 
time in a critical failure is not cheap.

Jim McNeely 

On Mar 15, 2011, at 1:51 PM, Wm Mussatto wrote:

> On Tue, March 15, 2011 12:36, Joerg Bruehe wrote:
>> Hi!
>> Adarsh Sharma wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> Taking Backup is must needed task in Database Servers. [[...]]
>> Correct.
>>> We have options RAID, mylvmbackup , mysqldump. But it depends on the
>>> company requirement too.
>> RAID is no backup!
>> A RAID system may give you protection against a single disk drive
>> failing (depending on the RAID level you configure), but it doesn't
>> protect you against misuse, operator error, malware (virus, trojan),
>> wilful deletion, ...
>> RAID is no backup!  (This can't be repeated often enough.)
>> Doing a backup means to take the data (including schema, privileges,
>> passwords, triggers, ...) to some independent media where it is safe
>> from all misfunction on the original machine.
>> IMNSHO, a backup must be taken offline or write-protected in some other
>> way, so that even a misfunction of the backup machine does not damage
>> your backup.
>> Old tape drives (or newer tape cartridges) with their physical write
>> protection (ring, slider, ...) did provide such protection, it is a pity
>> that they are too slow and too small for today's data (or too expensive
>> for most people).
>> With disks, my solution is:
>> - Have the backup disks on a separate machine, via the network.
>> - Have external backup disks, which are powered off if not is use.
>> - Have two (or more) and use them alternating, so that even in case of a
>>  misfunction or drive failure (affecting the backup disk currently in
>>  use) the previous backup (on the other disk) remains safe.
>>> We have a database of more than 250GB in mysql database & which is
>>> increasing day by day. Currently I am using mysqldump utility of MySQL
>>> I perform a full backup about 28 days ago. But is there any mechanism or
>>> script to backup only the incremental backups on weekly or daily bases.
>>> Data is inserted in separate tables in separate databases. We cann't
>>> afford to have some proprietary solution.
>> If you can afford downtime (shutting down the database), "dirvish" is a
>> good means to take a file system backup (all your data areas). Check it
>> at  There are plenty of alternatives, but I didn't try
>> most of them. What I did try was "rsnapshot", but I found it too
>> inflexible for my purposes.
>> I can't comment on the other approaches.
>> Whatever approach you take: Make sure the backup gets stored os some
>> separate, protected media.
>> HTH,
>> J�rg
>> --
>> Joerg Bruehe,  MySQL Build Team,
> Another advantage of external drives is they can be taken OFF site and
> stored away from the building.  We use three.  One on site, one in transit
> and one that mirrors (off site of course) the images of the other two.  We
> dump nightly and then backup that.  We also backup the binary logs which
> get rotated every two days (restore is nightly back followed by the binary
> logs).  The only only restore we have had to do is the "nephew who knows
> html".   The disks are raided, but as was stated, that is to protect
> against single point failure.
> ------
> William R. Mussatto
> Systems Engineer
> 909-920-9154
> -- 
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