Hello friends, I have  MySQL server version  " 5.0.51a-Ubuntu"  installed on 
Ubuntu 8.04 machine . I would describe briefly what we are doing .
Basically we have built a server that listen to Gprs connection from client  
and accepts data in form packets and inserts that data into MySQL database.I 
run three commands .1.listening to Gprs connection and displaying all the 
received packets on the terminal.2.Number of packets read will showed 
in Java serial forwarder (Tinyos for reference )which listens on another 
port 3.command that invokes Java files  for inserting data into database table .
Initially when i run the command  everything works fine and when he  receive 
packets he is  able to insert data into table in MySQL database .

 He will still be listening on the port  (i.e he is running 24*7)Assume i 
receive data after 12 hrs .i am experiencing the problem of .It may not 
necessarily be 12 hrs .
 If i have to insert data again i have to  recompile the code again and run all 
the commands .
The error that is troubling is Result for query failed.  SQLState = 08003i 
googled the error and found that this Sqlstate indicates connection does not 
exist .
I dont have any clues.Can any one help me please ?

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