Seems more a java issue than a mysql issue... check for your parameters for
any keepalive or persostent option...

I think you wouldn't need to recompile just re-run or at leat, reboot the

On Mon, May 2, 2011 at 2:34 AM, swaroop jois <> wrote:

> Hello friends, I have  MySQL server version  " 5.0.51a-Ubuntu"
>  installed on Ubuntu 8.04 machine . I would describe briefly what we are
> doing .
> Basically we have built a server that listen to Gprs connection from client
>  and accepts data in form packets and inserts that data
> into MySQL database.I run three commands .1.listening to Gprs connection
> and displaying all the received packets on the terminal.2.Number of packets
> read will showed in Java serial forwarder (Tinyos for reference )which
> listens on another port 3.command that invokes Java files  for inserting
> data into database table .
> Initially when i run the command  everything works fine and when he
>  receive packets he is  able to insert data into table in MySQL database .
>  He will still be listening on the port  (i.e he is running 24*7)Assume i
> receive data after 12 hrs .i am experiencing the problem of .It may not
> necessarily be 12 hrs .
>  If i have to insert data again i have to  recompile the code again and run
> all the commands .
> The error that is troubling is Result for query failed.  SQLState = 08003i
> googled the error and found that this Sqlstate indicates connection does not
> exist .
> I dont have any clues.Can any one help me please ?
> Regards,Swaroop

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