Am 22.05.2012 13:40, schrieb Johan De Meersman:
> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Reindl Harald" <>
>> Subject: Re: Reducing ibdata1 file size
>> well but for what price?
>> the problem is the DEFAULT
>> users with enough knowledge could easy change the default
>> currently what is happening is that mostly every beginner
>> is caught in the trap with single-table-space and hearing
>> from "innodb_file_per_table" after is is way too late
> All true, but I would argue that enterprise-suitable defaults are a good 
> thing 
> shame so many of the other defaults aren't :-)

95% of mysqld-installations have no problem with innodb_file_per_table
so DEFAULTS should not be for 5%

and as said in another reply to this thread you
need "innodb_file_per_table" for compression and
no, most servers these days are NOT cpu-bound

most are IO-bound especially in enterprise environments
with shared storage (SAN)

> And yes, it is problematic for beginners, but so is having beginners 
> manage production sites, isn't it?

not only for beginners

very few people expecting that a datastorage is only growing and growing
with no painless way to release all the wasted space if you make tests
with real big data and drop them

this has nothing to do with "enterprise" or "beginners"

it is a surprising behavior and defaults should minimize surprises

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