is the central database server just ONE server, to which all your 50 data
center app connects

On Thu, May 24, 2012 at 2:47 PM, Anupam Karmarkar

> Hi All,
> I need architectural help for our requirement,
> We have nearly 50 data centre through out different cities from these data
> center application connect to central database server currently, there are
> conectivity and nework flcutions issues for different data center, so we
> comeup with solution each data center we should have local database server
> which will keep syncing with other server so that application doesnt fail ,
> User data can be updated in any of server and should reflect in every
> server.  Application consists of write/read/delete operations,
> Current writes each day central server 1million.
> Only 1/1000 need to be distrubuted acrross servce rest need to be in
> central server.
> How can we achive this ? solution needs very much real time data accepting
> nework lags.
> Solution
> Collect all changes in other 49 server into 1 central server(How can we
> collect data)
> 49 keeps updating data into local database from central server(Using
> Repliation Can be done)
> --Anupam

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