Dear Nigel,

Thank for reply.. 

See my comments below


 From: Nigel Wood <>
To: Anupam Karmarkar <>; "" 
Sent: Thursday, 24 May 2012 3:35 PM
Subject: RE: Architectural Help
A few questions:
which is more or a problem: network outages, network capacity or query latency? 
>>Network Outages is problem, between data centres
When you say "near real-time" do you need transactional consistent view on all 
49 servers or can some lag be tolerated?
>>Some lag can be tolerated considering network outage 
Can any one of the 49 local servers potentially update/delete the same rows or 
>>Yes central server can update same row or local server but not at same time,  
>>Few data will be updated in central location and others majorly in local.One 
>>Application Writes in Centeral and Others in local, Local app and central app 
>>shares some data.
Is there any natural segmentation point within the data? 
Do the data centers have diverse networks so that connections to some data 
centers may remain when others? 
>>Yes, we have diverse nework , so connectivity will be avaiable in other data 
In the event that a local data centre is totally isolated from the others what 
data should it be allowed to update?
>>Loca application should always write in local database, Central Application 
>>Updated will not be available to local.
Do your applications produce/examine  large data set querying by secondary keys 
or using tull text search?
>>We dont have text search or we dont query large data
Are you in a position to modify the applications?
>>No, Micro changes ok
From: Anupam Karmarkar []
Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2012 10:17 AM
Subject: Architectural Help

Hi All,

I need architectural help for our requirement,

We have nearly 50 data centre through out different cities from these data 
center application connect to central database server currently, there are 
conectivity and nework flcutions issues for different data center, so we comeup 
with solution each data center we should have local database server which will 
keep syncing with other server so that application doesnt fail , User data can 
be updated in any of server and should reflect in every server.  Application 
consists of write/read/delete operations,

Current writes each day central server 1million.

Only 1/1000 need to be distrubuted acrross servce rest need to be in central 

How can we achive this ? solution needs very much real time data accepting 
nework lags.


Collect all changes in other 49 server into 1 central server(How can we collect 

49 keeps updating data into local database from central server(Using Repliation 
Can be done)


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