Am 20.02.2013 18:26, schrieb Mike Franon:
> So I did a full mysqldump over the weekend for a second time and this
> time it is 220GB, no clue what happened last time, I should have
> realized looking at the file size something was wrong, but since I got
> no errors did not think about it, and this time I timed it, took 7
> hours to do a complete mysqldump
> Restoring it is not fun 18+ hours and counting, at this rate it will
> be a week, there has to be a better way of doing this, and this is
> only going form 5.0 to 5.1
> I know some are saying don't need to do a mysqldump, but if i don't do
> it, the upgrade errors out on 10 tables, and then gives me errors
> about triggers

and did you ALWAYS "mysql_upgarde -root -p" after ANY mysql-update?
at least before try a major upgrade?

did you try "mysqlcheck -h localhost --check-upgrade --all-databases 
--auto-repair --user=root -p"
BEFORE the upgrade? did you try it ALSo after the upgrade?

sorry, i do not believe that dump/import is needed and idoubt
it will not give better results

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