Am 19.03.2013 01:18, schrieb Rick James:
>> you never have hosted a large site
> Check my email address before saying that.

yahoo - so what

this is a large enough copmany that i am still sure you
never was allowed to touch a webserver for production

> 20 may be low, but 100 is rather high

you do relly not understand it

* i had a project with a large amoutn of parallel users
* the MaxClients was up to 400
* the page-loading was UNACCEPTABLE slow
* after raise up the limit to 600 it got acceptable
* yes the hardware was able to satisfy the requests
* yes you need a LOT of memory and CPU

so please get rid of your i386 and stop to explain me the world

>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Reindl Harald []
>> Sent: Monday, March 18, 2013 1:36 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: How to change max simultaneous connection parameter in
>> mysql.
>> Am 18.03.2013 21:01, schrieb Rick James:
>>> 20 is plenty if your pages run fast enough
>> it is not
>> you never have hosted a large site
>>> Excess clients after MaxClients are queued in Apache
>> so what - it doe snot help you
>> been there, done that
>> if you have some hundret USERS at the same time any every of them is
>> requesting the same page with a lot of images you are simply DEAD with
>> a limit of
>> 20 in your configuration
>>> If the 20 are consuming resources (eg cpu/disk) it is better to queue
>>> the excess than to have everybody stumbling over each other.
>> if your server can not serve more than 20 simultaionous requests you
>> are not doing any serious things
>> sorry, 20 can be done with any crappy notebook these days
>>> In MySQL, the excess clients beyond max_connections are give an
>> error.
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Reindl Harald []
>>>> Sent: Monday, March 18, 2013 12:15 PM
>>>> To:
>>>> Subject: Re: How to change max simultaneous connection parameter in
>>>> mysql.
>>>> Am 18.03.2013 19:26, schrieb Rick James:
>>>>> If you are running Apache with MaxClients set too high, that can
>>>> cause the problem.
>>>> "too high" is relative
>>>>> That Apache setting should be something like 20.  (Other web
>> servers
>>>>> have similar settings.)
>>>> 20 is a laughable value as long you are not hosting only sites with
>>>> no users at all
>>>> i have seen "MaxClients 500" be critical while the hardware was not
>>>> overloaded and we had THOUSANDS of users which liked to get the
>>>> website with all it's images, no way with stupid settings of 20
>> which
>>>> means only ONE USER at the same time can fetch a single page with
>>>> images and stylesheets

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