----- Original Message -----

> From: "Steven Siebert" <smsi...@gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: Session ID Generation

> I am indeed looking for MySQL session ID's, not an HTTP session ID.
> I'm doing a defense in depth audit and reviewing potential threats
> to each remote connection - in this case session fixation. I know I
> can set various session timeout properties that help mitigate
> fixation and hijacking, but a randomly generated server-only
> generated session id goes a log way to mitigate the risk. Just a
> note, we are following industry best practices utilizing a DMZ...but
> out biggest threat is an insider, so we need to realize any
> potential risk.

> You stated these IDs are sequential...do you know if there is any way
> to modify this to utilize a "random" generation? Sequential session
> IDs are an avenue to session hijacking.
I have to admit that's way out of my depth. My response merely concerned the 
"session ID" that is shown to the administrators, and those are just an 
incremental counter. I have no idea how sessions are handled internally. You 
might be better off on the developer mailing list for those kind of questions, 
I think. 


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