Hey Brad. What version are you using? My immediate thought is to check if
innodb_stats_on_metadata is off. If it is on, switch off and check your
timings again.

On 17 Mar 2014 04:40, "Brad Heller" <b...@cloudability.com> wrote:

> Hey all,
> I'm trying to figure out how InnoDB executes a SHOW CREATE TABLE query so I
> can figure out what could possibly have made them suddenly slow down?
> mysql> SHOW CREATE TABLE `my_table`;
> ...
> 1 row in set (37.48 sec)
> We tend to execute many of these statements concurrently, but it's never
> been a problem until recently. I upgraded the IO subsystem, and our
> statistics indicate that it's not maxing out IO (at least IOPS).
> This is problematic because the ORM we're using uses that to figure out the
> structure of our DB...
> *Brad Heller *| Director of Engineering | Cloudability.com | 541-231-1514 |
> Skype: brad.heller | @bradhe <http://www.twitter.com/bradhe> |
> @cloudability<http://www.twitter.com/cloudability>
> We're hiring! https://cloudability.com/jobs<
> http://www.cloudability.com/jobs>

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