they are no indexing usenet any longer which is a real problem because
of volumns of archival information on them from everything from SQL
theory to networking commands.

It is depressing ....

almost as depressing as the university library with stacks of books on
the floors pushed away to make room for computer terminals.


On Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 09:23:02AM +0000, Mark Goodge wrote:
> On 10/12/2014 23:40, Reindl Harald wrote:
> >
> >Am 10.12.2014 um 18:38 schrieb
> >>>>>>2014/12/10 09:00 +0100, Johan De Meersman >>>>
> >>.... One of the (for me, at least) defining features of a forum, is
> >>that the subjects tend to be divided up into a tree structure, which
> >>has it's own benefits ....
> >><<<<<<<<
> >>Something more sophisticated than grouping messages by trimmed
> >>subject-lines?
> >>maybe involving such header lines as were used in the old netnews (if
> >>e-mail is part of it)?
> >
> >every sane MUA supports threading
> >see attached screenshot
> Indeed. That, to me, is one of the key arguments in favour of a
> mailing list: people can choose how to view the list according to
> their own preference (some like it threaded, others prefer a flat
> view based simply on message date). Other arguments in favour of
> email include:
> * Email is a push medium. I don't have to continually re-check a
> website to see if there's any new messages, they simply arrive in my
> list mailbox and I view them at my convenience.
> * Individual emails can be forwarded and/or saved independently of
> the others.
> * Email gives me a local archive of messages in addition to any
> central archive.
> having said that, I think that web-based archives of mailing lists
> can be very useful, particularly for a public list where the archive
> is open to search engines. That makes them a valuable historical
> resource as well as merely a for-the-moment discussion forum. And,
> if you're going to have a web-based archive, it isn't a huge step
> from there to add the ability to post to the list via the web as
> well. That can be helpful for people on corporate email systems who
> don't easily have the ability to subscribe to a list (or filter mail
> from it into a separate folder), as well as people who only need to
> contribute very infrequently and don't want to have to subscribe in
> order to do so. But all this should, IMO, be in addition to the core
> features of an email mailing list, rather than a replacement for
> them.
> Mark
> -- 
> -- 
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