I am an experienced programmed and have worked on Unix and with Oracle and
Informix for many years.

I personally am struggling to get my head around Mysql (getting there now
though) I think part of the reason I am posting simple questions is.

1.) I find the manual quite combersome for particular reference, ie I found
finding information on adding users and the like quite hard to find easy and
had to trawl through "similar topics" when someone on this list got me on
the right track straight away and it was easy to reference the manual from
the info given on this list.

2.) My past experience in other languages and RDBMS is hindering my quite
bad, ie I am expecting certain restuls from certain situations and not
getting them, somethings that seem quite straight forward to people using
mysql is totally confusing for someone used to other products.

3.) There is a lot of conflicting information. I have a number of books on
Mysql and some conradict each other and the manual, so the only way to make
sure is to play/test the methods mentioned, then ask the list when something
doesn't make scense

4.) People of All levels join and leave the list each day (I imagane) so
reposts are quite common, If they do not apply to me or I don't feel I can
help I delete them, otherwist I reply, the number or reposts is becoming a
problem due (in my opinion) to a select few "elite" mysql people, who have
strong skills with MySql and have been using it for a while, instead of
ignoring the reposts (which I am sure they have seen hundereds of times)
they reply back with harsh (again my opinion) or acidic comments, like this
was posted 3 days ago, read the manual before wasting our time. This points
out peoples re-posts to others who are not so bothered, if they just deleted
what did not apply I am sure someone of similar level to the question poster
would reply with a helpfull comment. On the other hand these elitist people
do provide good info when needed so I don't intend to be too blaming on

I really like the way this list works, and I have found %90 usefull and had
some really indepth discussions on even the simplist questions, giving me a
better understanding of the problem that I first asked.

Not sure how close to the mark I am but I thought I would put my opinion in.


-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Lucier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 11 January 2002 19:55
To: jds; Patrick Crowley; Keith C. Ivey
Cc: MySQL List
Subject: RE: Spam

A little higher barrier to entry, even for non-spam posts might not be
a bad thing. The list is already pretty well spammed with questions
that are either in the manual, or result from a lack of programming
experience in general.

Making it harder to post might make it a little easier to stay

--- jds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ummm. you go ahead with that and noone will stay on the list.
> again, now with my stupid reply, there has been more posts about spam
> than actual spam.
> let's do the list a favor and put this thread to bed.
> jOda
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Patrick Crowley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2002 11:16 AM
> To: Keith C. Ivey
> Cc: MySQL List
> Subject: Re: Spam
> I have to say I'm shocked that the list is completely open. That's
> such a
> stupid newbie thing to do.
> Maybe we should initiate a spam strike until the list mom/dad
> listens. Just
> subscribe the list to *another* list, and watch the fun begin...
> best,
> patrick crowley
> mokolabs>>
> making sure the future doesn't suck...
> w > http://mokolabs.com
> p > 646.591.5477
> > Why *isn't* posting to the MySQL list restricted to subscribers?
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