Hi Edward,

> I hope I don't annoy you. If so, please tell me.

Not at all - you'll be the first to know! However you/I would be more comfortable if 
things were kept on the
list - (a) others might 'jump in' and solve your problem before I find the 
time/inspiration, and (b) everyone
with similar problems can learn from you!

Please tell me if there are sentences in my messages, that you have difficulty 
understanding/translating - I'm
quite used to working in a multi-lingual situation (but quite confident that I cannot 
converse with you as well
as you can with me!)

> >My first thought is that you have a neat system of encoding the link data
> >being stored in MySQL.
> >
> >I assume this is preceded by some sort of 'extract' function which takes
> >the link out of some HTML page? That
> >being the case, and particularly if you are using a PREGI to accomplish
> >the 'extraction', why don't you store
> >the two components of the HTML link in two separate columns? So "<a
> >href="http://www.test.com";> test </a>" could
> >become "www.test.com" and "test". The disassembly step being part of the
> >(presumed) existing PREGI and
> >reassembly afterwards being a snap - seems easier than all those
> Yes, indeed, this was the first thing I thought to, but I can't store them
> separately, because they are being part of an large amount of other stuff
> and tags (i.e. a HTML content of a web page).

Does this mean that you don't just use MySQL to store a short string, eg the 
test </a>" you have mentioned to-date, but that this is a small portion of a 
chunk/whole page of HTML stored in
the db/tbl?

There is no reason why you cannot store both 'small bits' of the code, and the whole 
of the rest of a page,
separately/together/alongside each other - check out how PHP templating systems work! 
(that process involves
exactly the same functionality as you have here)

> > > Here is the code for input:
> > > -------------- cut-----------------
> > > mysql_select_db("falrdb",$con) or die ("nu pot");
> >*
> > > $chtml=eregi_replace('<',' \[st]',$chtml);
> >*
> > > $chtml=eregi_replace('>','\[dr] ',$chtml);
> >*
> > > $ins= "INSERT INTO continut (cef) VALUES
> > >  '$chtml')";$rezins=mysql_db_query("falrdb", $ins, $con);
> >**
> > > -----------------cut--------------------------
> > >
> > > Here is the code for output:
> > >
> > > -------------------cut------------------
> > >
> > > $q="select * from continut";
> > >
> > > $rez=mysql_db_query("falrdb",$q);
> >**
> > > $zz=mysql_fetch_row($rez);
> >*
> > > $zz[0]=eregi_replace('\[st]','<',$zz[0]);
> >*
> > > $zz[0]=eregi_replace('\[dr]','>',$zz[0]);
> >*
> > > $zz_fsh=stripslashes($zz[0]);
> >*
> > > echo "$zz[0]";
> > >
> > > ---------------------cut---------------------------
> >
> >
> >Do I observe STRIPSLASHES() but no ADDSLASHES()?
> Yes. A friend, more experimented than me told the ADDSLASHES() is not
> required if the magic_quotes_gpc are "on"

Ok, I NEVER use such things - I like to convince myself that I am in charge, and the 
computer will do nothing
behind my back/without my explicit instruction (yes, I'm fooling myself, but it's a 
'reality' I've grown
comfortable with). So I cannot comment on the effect of combining magic_quotes with a 
*SLASHES(). I would be
tempted to remove the STRIPSLASHES() altogether and observe the debug ECHOs closely to 
observe any differences.

Next suggestion: what happens if you turn magic_quotes off, and if necessary put a 
pair of *SLASHES() back in?

> >Recommend the addition of a debug ECHO "<BR>chtml=$chtml~"; (or
> >equivalent) at every line where I have marked *.
> >
> >Recommend the addition of a validation step to assure the MySQL interface
> >calls where I have marked **.
> Done. The result was the same... ECHO is working fine... :)
> >The last/only ECHO statement examines the reconstituted HTML link BEFORE
> >the call to STRIPSLASHES() - not the
> >resultant value!?
> Damn!!! 10x. After correcting the problem, there are still links that work
> and that don't work, even after printing the correct value!!!

Please post a couple of examples of those that worked, and five or six of those that 

I would also like to see a copy of the debug output (as discussed above) showing one 
(or more) running through
these sequences of instructions in the script.

> >Is cef the first field in continut?
> Is the only important field, and is the content. (the other one is the id
> (auto_increment field) used for index of the table)

This was not the reason I asked the question - I was keen to ensure that what was 
returned from the db by the
SELECT/mysql_db_query() was the cef value and NOT an ID (or something else). Are you 
confident that the value
returned is the correct field and a valid/correct value for cef?

> > > I hope that it will be OK for debugging... If not, I'll send you more
> >
> >Don't hesitate to be 'generous' - the more you show, the better the chance
> >that we'll spot something out of
> >place!
> >
> >Once you have added the above debugging ECHOs, please run the routine and
> >show what happens with a sample that
> >works, and then two or three samples that don't.

See re-request for this info (above)

> It' above the normal!!! URL's that work and that don't. On the same page...

Agreed, it is quite abnormal/unusual, but there MUST be a logical reason for it, 
however illogical !

To supplement my (lack of) knowledge in the server arena, perhaps you should re-state 
the question as an
Apache?IIS request to the list. Is it possible that the server is somehow interpreting 
the URL as a local
address instead of a remote Internet address, and causing some sort of re-direction? 
Only mention the URL's
appearance in the db and it's eventual value in the browser, the type of browser and 
server you're using, and
see if anyone can offer advice.

> QUESTION: it is possible that the HTML code provided to contain some
> characters that can not be translated by the MySQL?! Because at that time,
> this is the only valid reason I can see.

Unfortunately you have not provided URLs so that we can see how complex they are/what 
characteristics are faced.
Now is the time to do so!

Have you considered the applicability of htmlspecialchars()?


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