At 20:22 21/10/2002 +0100, Nikki Mason wrote:
My email below was rejected for some reason, so I am trying again to send
No problems, but I need to clarify you that behavior:

1- When you start the server with: name_server --standalone --console.

   The DOS prompt screen is owned by the MySQL server process, in
   another words the behavior you saw is correct. You minimized
   this screen and open another DOS prompt session for to work with
   the mysql.exe client.

   ---------------server prompt screen---------------------------
   C:\mysql\bin>mysqld-opt --console --standalone
   021022  1:23:47  InnoDB: Started
   mysqld-opt: ready for connections

   ---------------client prompt screen---------------------------
   Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
   Your MySQL connection id is 1 to server version: 3.23.53-max

   Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.


2- If you don't want to see the screen used to start the server, only
   issue the command: name_server.
   In this case you should see the MySQL server process in the ALT+CTRL+
   DEL screen and also open another DOS prompt for to work with the
   mysql.exe client.

3- For to shutdown the server, you use the mysqladmin.exe tool:
   mysqladmin shutdown.

Hope now is clarify for you:


----- Original Message -----
From: Nikki Mason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Miguel Angel Solórzano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, October 20, 2002 8:41 AM
Subject: Re: Which files to download/install - problems running MySQL

> Miquel,
> I tried what you suggested, but still it didn't work properly.
> For the server:
> C:\>cd mysql\bin
> C:\mysql\bin>mysqld-opt --standalone --console
> 021020  8:20:30  InnoDB: Out of memory in additional memory pool.
> InnoDB: InnoDB will start allocating memory from the OS.
> InnoDB: You may get better performance if you configure a bigger
> InnoDB: value in the MySQL my.cnf file for
> InnoDB: innodb_additional_mem_pool_size.
> The cursor did not return to the prompt to allow anymore commands to be
> typed.
> (I haven't created a c:\my.cnf or c:\windows\my.ini)
> For the client:
> C:\mysql\bin>mysql -uroot -p
> Enter password: ****
> Again, nothing more was displayed on the screen and the cursor did not
> return to the prompt to allow anymore commands to be typed.
> Regards,
> Nikki Mason
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Miguel Angel Solórzano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Saturday, October 19, 2002 9:29 PM
> Subject: Re: Which files to download/install - problems running MySQL
> At 15:16 19/10/2002 +0100, Nikki Mason wrote:
> Hi,
> >Hi,
> >
> >I wish to learn SQL, and as some of my friends already use MySQL, they
> >recommended that I too use it.  Please can you tell me what I need to
> >download and install to get me going.
> >
> >I have:
> >Pentium III 450Mhz, 256Mb Ram
> >Windows 98
> >I don't have a C or C++ compiler installed.
> >My PC is not connected to a network - it is standalone.
> >
> >I had earlier downloaded just the zip file for version 4.0.4-beta
> (Windows).
> >I unzipped it and ran the 'setup' program.
> >
> >Once setup had completed I tried the test on the server - at no point had
> >run the Admin program or created the my.cnf or my.ini.
> >
> >I opened a dos window and from the directory c:\mysql\bin entered:
> >mysqld --standalone
> >
> >No other text was shown in the dos window and it appeared to hang.  The
> >whole computer also seemed to 'hang'.  I had to use ctrl C to kill the
> >application and get back normal operation to my PC.
> Why you had killed the mysqld server ?. The mysqld.exe is a console
> application that when started with --standalone option it works in
> the background.
> If you want to see the console screen then issue:
> C:\mysql\bin>mysqld-opt --standalone --console
> 021019 17:25:31  InnoDB: Started
> mysqld-opt: ready for connections
> and for to work with the mysql client:
> C:\>c:\mysql\bin\mysql -uroot -p
> Enter password:
> Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
> Your MySQL connection id is 1 to server version: 3.23.53-max
> Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.
> mysql>
> after a fresh installation left the root password blank.
> for to shutdown the server:
> C:\>c:\mysql\bin\mysqladmin shutdown
> 021019 17:27:27  mysqld-opt: Normal shutdown
> 021019 17:27:27  InnoDB: Starting shutdown...
> 021019 17:27:29  InnoDB: Shutdown completed
> 021019 17:27:29  mysqld-opt: Shutdown Complete
> >I then tried manually creating the file c:\my.cnf and populated with the
> >information given in the installation instructions.  The server still
> >
> >I then tried using the admin program with the similar results - the green
> >traffic light was showing, but the dos window that was displayed appeared
> >'hung' and again the PC itself seemed to have hung - it  operated
> >slowly.  The task manager showed the admin tool as 'not responding'.
> >
> >What have I/am I doing wrong?
> --
> Regards,
>     __  ___     ___ ____  __
>    /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /    Miguel Angel Solórzano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   MySQL AB, Fulltime Developer
> /_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   Săo Paulo - Brazil
>         <___/
   __  ___     ___ ____  __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /    Miguel Angel Solórzano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   MySQL AB, Fulltime Developer
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   Săo Paulo - Brazil

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