Tuesday, October 29, 2002, 7:22:44 AM, you wrote:

MB> I need your expert and slow guided assistance.

MB> I would like someone to explain to me the correct mysql commands
MB> monitor to achive the following correctly.

MB> It would greatly help if you work for a hosting company.

MB> The question is:
MB> User asks to be given access to mysql database for his hosting
MB> account.

MB> username: marco
MB> pssword: mysecret
MB> database name: lotsofusers.

MB> Of first I set the administrative and root password using the document here:

MB> Then What I would like to do is:
MB> allow another user access to create and complete control over his 
MB> database, inside tables and data information inside the database
MB> (we are talking about total control, creation, editing and deletion, 
MB> (the ins and outs of that database assigned to the user called: "marco":

MB> Enter the following command at your shell prompt:

MB> mysql -u root -p lotsofusers

MB> I am in.

MB> Then here is where I get bit stuck.

MB> I would some one to teach me how to do for that user
MB> and allow him/website to have access to that database and that database
MB> alone, having complete control over it.

MB> Using the example I have given you please teach me how to do so in detail?.
MB> I look forward to be taken a novice, As I have gone through the docs online.
MB> and it was not a great teacher!.

Online manual contains enough info about your question :)
Read about GRANT:

It's easy to set permissions using GRANT. if you want to give all
rights on the certain database you can do it like

GRANT ALL ON database_name.* TO 'user_name'@'host_name' IDENTIFIED BY

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