Thursday, November 21, 2002, 12:46:55 PM, you wrote:

JCPG> Iam using MySQL version 4.0.5 in Windows and I want to make a JOIN between
JCPG> two tables that have approximately 20,000 records and 20 columns. As all 
JCPG> the records
JCPG> from one of the tables must appear in the result of the SQL( the tables 
JCPG> donnt have the same
JCPG> number of records) , I ought to use a LEFT JOIN.
JCPG> When I  make the LEFT JOIN between the two tables,  it takes a long time,
JCPG> and it seems that the machine is crashed , because everything I try to make
JCPG> in the machine is extremely slow, so I have to reset it manually.

JCPG> Is this a limitation of MySQL when making a LEFT JOIN between two tables 
JCPG> with a
JCPG> certain number of records or is there a different way to solve this 
JCPG> problem in order to
JCPG> increase the speed of the query ?

Show me your query? What are the tables structure? What is
the output of EXPLAIN SELECT?

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