At 1:31 -0500 12/11/02, Michael She wrote:
At 11:00 PM 12/10/2002 -0600, Paul DuBois wrote:
Yes, a single bulk insert will be faster.

Also, the reason your "multiple statements separated by semicolons"
approach fails with a syntax error is that the client server
protocol does not allow you to send multiple statements in the
same string.  Indeed, you might even get a syntax error by adding
a semicolon to the end of a string containing a *single* query,
because semicolons are not actually part of any SQL statement syntax.

Shoot, this is what I thought. I tried it without a semi-colon as well but it didn't work. So are you saying that the Windows ODBC MySQL driver doesn't support multiple statements?
No, I'm saying that the client server protocol itself doesn't support that.
In other words, the server doesn't allow it, so it doesn't make any difference
what driver you use, whether it's ODBC, JDBC, or whatever.

MySQL 4.1 will support multiple statements, I believe, but that's still
under development.

Michael She  : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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