MsgBox 1 --> Data provider or other service returned an E_FAIL status.

Been there, done that (so have a lot of people via my research).   Not
so much a MySql thing as it is a Microsoft thing - I was seeing similar
messages with not only MySql, but also Microsoft SQL (ADO and E_FAIL).  

Like Peter Simard, I decided to dump MyODBC and moved to VbMyQL from
http://www.icarz.com/mysql .   This decision came after a frustrating
evolution process (over a period of two months).....  I started with RDO
and worked my way up to ADO 2.7.   With ADO 2.7 I was finally able to
get stability (something I've been very used to with Visual Foxpro).
Although 2.7 offered the highest reliability I still got errors - if a
date range was not valid (Foxpro uses empty dates) *OR* a memo field
(longtext) field was blank then I would get the E_FAIL status every
time.   My work around was to ensure that FOXPRO did not write an empty
memo field or date (date set to 1900/01/01 and memos to ""). This was a
flakey solution at best because if a client had one of these scenerios
then my database utility manager (for support folks) would not permit my
utility to access the data because of the dreaded E_FAIL message....

I suspect if you replace all your LONGTEXT fields with a chr(20), if
they are empty, your problem will go away - flakey....

Once I converted to ICARZ's VbMyQL I was able to actually focus on
programming, versus debugging and now have the beginning of an open
source MySql manager in the works (VB6).   I have not experienced *any*
crashes or errors.   As soon as I figure out how GNU works and can give
proper credit where credit is due (icarz) I'll be publishing the utility
and source.   It does'n't offer all the bells and whistles of ADO but at
least it works ;)

Bill Kratochvil
QuickCARE Developer

P.S.  Visual Foxpro works seemlessly with MySql - havn't had any
problems since we started evaluating it (starting January we're moving
to a client/server SQL/MySql backend).   I almost canned the VB6 MySql
management utility (started thinking about doing it in Fox) but now that
I have a stable development environment for the data it's back on track
- I am really impressed with Visual Basic - I've only been working with
it for a few months but I trust the power of the open source utility
that I'm developing might pull on seasoned veterans (to improve it and
my code).  

-----Original Message-----
From: deep kapasi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Friday, December 20, 2002 8:51 AM
Subject: MySQL BUG

I am facing strange problem while accessing a LONGTEXT
I've been using VisualBasic 6.0 & MySQL 4.0.4 via ADO
2.0 by using MyODBC 3.51.04 on WIN2k Server (SP 2).

Pls follow the below steps to generate a bug -->
1. Create a Table for testing
'* Script to generate the table and insert a record *'
 fld2 INT       NOT NULL
) TYPE=InnoDB;

INSERT INTO Testing(msg,fld2)

2. Create a VB Project
'***************** VB CODE ***************** '
'Step to create a VB project
'a. Open a new VB project
'b. Add reference of ADO 2.0 
'c. By default New form will be added to the project
'd. Copy the below code in it

Option Explicit
Private mcnn As New ADODB.Connection
Private Sub Form_Load()
    On Error GoTo DispError
    Dim rst     As New ADODB.Recordset
    Dim strSQL  As String
'change below connection string as per your db
    mcnn.Open "Driver={MySQL ODBC 3.51
    strSQL = "SELECT * FROM Testing"

'*** Method 1.  Client side recordset ***'
'           If 'msg' field has blank string - below
code will give error while trying
'           to access Recordcount property, and
strangely Recordpointer is at EOF
'           If 'msg' field has value other than blank
string & NULL then it will run properly
    With rst
        Set .ActiveConnection = mcnn
        .CursorLocation = adUseClient
        .CursorType = adOpenKeyset
        .LockType = adLockPessimistic
        .Open Source:=strSQL, Options:=adCmdText
         'Normally below statement should return 1 but
on my m/c
         'it generates E_FAIL status error.
        MsgBox .RecordCount     
         'it will display -1 as record pointer is at
EOF, Strange?
        MsgBox "Record pointer: " & .AbsolutePosition 
    End With
    Set rst = Nothing '****************************************'

'*** Method 2.  Server side recordset ***'
'               If 'msg' field has blank string -
below code will return NULL
'               If 'msg' field has value other than
blank string & NULL then it will return blank string
    Set rst = mcnn.Execute(CommandText:=strSQL,
    MsgBox "Msg: " &
IIf(IsNull(rst.Fields("msg").Value), "<NULL>",
rst.Fields("msg").Value) '****************************************'

    Exit Sub
    MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical
    Resume Next
End Sub
'** END OF VB CODE **'

3. run the project.  It will display 3 messagebox. On
my m/c it display following messages 
MsgBox 1 --> Data provider or other service returned
an E_FAIL status.
MsgBox 2 --> Record Pointer: -1
MsgBox 3 --> Msg: <NULL>

Any help is appreciated.


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