
> We have our connection set to Autocommitt=1, and No table locks
> are ever explicitly being done on this table anyplace in any of our
> code modules.

in MySQL you have to do LOCK TABLES on EVERY table you use inside a LOCK
TABLES. You cannot lock just some table and use others unlocked.

I repeat that the error could be caused if your application has a bug and
uses the same connection to do the SELECT as it has used to LOCK some other

Are you absolutely sure you do not mix connections in your application?

Did you have the general query log running at the time of the error? If yes,
can you check from it what was the number of the connection that issued the
query resulting in an error, and did that same connection earlier issue a


Innobase Oy
sql query

Subject: LOCK TABLES error , on a select without any update ?
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2003 17:25:43 -0500

Hi All,
    Once again we have run into a situation where our production
database is throwing an error regarding  the use of table locks for
"no apparent reason".

We are running MySql on windows with InnoDb. We have a section
of code which is working fine most of the time but occasionally will
through an error complaining that a table is not locked.

Based on the Java stack dump, the SQL statement which caused
this error to appear was
Select TransactionTypeID  From transactionheader Where
TransactionHeaderID ="1234"

The error reported was :
java.sql.SQLException: General error: Table 'transactionheader'
was not locked with LOCK TABLES

We have our connection set to Autocommitt=1, and No table locks
are ever explicitly being done on this table anyplace in any of our
code modules.

Will someone please help me understand why a select statement
without an update would ever cause a tables not Locked error ?


Steff McGonagle
Envisage Information Systems, Inc.

Phone (315) 497-9202 x16


Our SQL in this application follows the following pattern. (the following is
an section
from the MysQL log with just one instance of the application running):

030125 20:24:29       7 Query       SET autocommit=0
                      7 Query       BEGIN
                      7 Query       Select * from accountsprovided Where
ExternalID='I06'AND FinServProvID = 'C33'
                      7 Query       UPDATE accountsprovided SET Enabled='Y'
AccountID = 'CKCBSBF2994309'
                      7 Query       Select * from account Where AccountID =
                      7 Query       UPDATE account SET PreLimit=10000.00
AccountID = 'CKCBSBF2994309'

                     12 Query       Lock Table Control Write
                     12 Query       Select * From Control
                     12 Query       Update Control set NextID = 6999244
                     12 Query       Unlock Tables

                      7 Query       INSERT INTO productsowned ( VestedValue,
Quantity )
VALUES ( 7293.90, 7293.9)

...  About another 40 lines of SQL following this same general pattern but
different tables.

                      7 Query       Update cachestatus Set UpdatedOn = null,
UpdatedBy =
'XMLWarehouseLoader' Where PrimaryID = 'CKCBSBF2994310' AND SecondaryID
= 'CKCBSBF2994311'
                      7 Query       COMMIT
                      7 Query       SET autocommit=1

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