you know what?  i'm sorry.

i'm so sorry for asking a question.  i really thought i'd be dealing with adults.

i suppose Gerald here has never asked a question.  he was born knowing everything 
about everything.  and he has never needed help with anything at all.  nothing has 
ever confused him or given him trouble, and he's certainly never been new at anything. 
 what a great life. why spend it at the computer there, Gerald?

i suppose i shouldn't have asked my question to this ridiculous list, whose heads are 
so bloated with your own egos and thoughts of how wonderful and knowledgeable you are. 
 just rename the list "kill the noobs" and go on with your flaming and self-centered 
whining about how someone bothered you.  you're just too good to help someone.  i'm 
sure the rest of the list is incredibly impressed with your wit and knowledge.  
everyone must be looking up to you now as you bask in the glory of being so wonderful!

----- Original Message ----- 
From: gerald_clark 
Sent: Friday, April 04, 2003 1:32 PM
Subject: Re: [MySQL] RE: Question: Connecting MySQL with DreamWeaver MX on Windows 2000

You appear to be the waste of time.


>not sure what the hell your problem is, but if you don't want to help then don't.
>complaining that i need help when 99% of the manual refers to remost server usage 
>isn't really necessary.
>all i need to do is make a connection between dwmx and mysql.  that's it.  
>please don't respond to anything else i write.
>it's a waste of time.
>btw: there's no need to send two messages.  one is enough.
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: Ashley M. Kirchner 
>Sent: Friday, April 04, 2003 12:04 PM
>Subject: Re: [MySQL] RE: Question: Connecting MySQL with DreamWeaver MX on Windows 
>>yes i know that.  How? was my question.
>    How...what?  How to setup MySQL?  How to setup PHP?  How to read the 
>manual?  How to work your own computer?  You ask vague questions, and 
>can only expect vague answers back.
>>and the manual.... have you seen how long that is?
>    Yes, which is what makes it a good manual.  There is a reason why 
>they give you a Table of Contents right at the very beginning.  It's 
>less than 2 pages long and all you have to read is the Installation 
>section.  After that, you can read how to create your own databases. 
> You're making this way harder than it really is.  You think you have to 
>read the whole manual, instead of reading the sections you need help with.
>>when i looked under What is MySql?  it says " MySql is a powerful 
>>database tool blah blah.  MySql can do this and this and this...."
>    When you're trying to learn how to drive a car, what do you do?  Ask 
>first what a car is?
>>I decided not to frustrate myself for 8 hours on this,
>    No, instead you're asking someone else to chew your food for you, 
>and have you swallow it.  Like I said, if you took the time to even read 
>the table of contents, you would've quickly found out which sections 
>specifically you needed to read - it's very short and can be done within 
>10 minutes.

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