mysql -u root -p
then it will ask for your password.
mysql -u root -pmysql_root_password
no spaces between -p and your mysql root password

This is well documentee :
please check the manual before asking questions.


At 12:50 06-04-2003 +0100, Hisako Shimizu wrote:
Dear sir/madam

Please tolerate my poor English.
I had been using mysql for a while without any problems.
And one day Error occuered ,I could not access it anymore.
My password which I had been using has been declined and i have this
error "Access Denied "
even though I have never changed password, at least not I am aware of.

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[Hisako:~] hisako% /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -u root -p mysql
Enter password:
ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password:
[Hisako:~] hisako% /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -u root -P mysql
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